Thursday, April 26, 2012

Digital Farming...What is It?

"Years ago, when farms dominated our landscape, children were responsible for performing meaningful jobs that were vital to each family’s success. Today, we need to give our students jobs that will give them the same accountability and sense of ownership that is vital to the classroom." Hence the need for the "Digital Farm."

Alan November

I have been following Dr. Alan November for almost a year now.  I have read about him, watched numerous TED talks, and have even taken a few of his online classes.  I truly believe that he is correct about connecting our children to one another and others across the county and around the world.  I have worked diligently in my classroom to make strides in the direction and plan to continue to do so with the upcoming school year.  Planning is already underway.


Innovate 2 Educate

I am so excited that I have been chosen to present at the Region 10 Innovate 2 Educate Conference on May 8th.  I hope to see you there.
