Monday, February 25, 2013

Twitter in the Classroom

Today, we established a Twitter account for our classroom. (@6thGMS)  The kids are so excited.  I created to give parents the opportunity to communicate with our classroom, but I've already had several students sign up so that they can post too.  Tomorrow we will be going over the criteria for what should be posted to our Twitter feed and what shouldn't.  I have also offered to teach a Twitter class to parents who want to be more involved.  I will be sending home info on that tomorrow also.  Can't wait to see what my students come up with.  You can follow us at

Saturday, February 23, 2013

Region 10 Tech Confernce

I just got the phone call that I will be presenting the "Un-Blog" at this year's conference on May 7th.  I will be discussing how to use a blog to curate all your digital materials for collaboration between students and building bridges with parents.  Hope to see you there.

Gallery Walk Finished

My students finished their gallery walk and everyone was able to share.  To capture the process and a little bit of their learning, students created the attached video.

They had a lot of fun with this activity.  It was used as an introduction to a unit of study on the Middle East. We are now moving into a project bases learning activity to answer the following driving question:

Are the people of the Middle East that different than us? 

The next step for students was to create a list of essential questions or knowledge they needed to make the decision. They were able to do that using a Google Doc Middle East Essential Info Needed.  I had them work in small groups and then share as a class as this is the first time we are doing a project like this.  I left the final product up to them.  My only criteria was that it must be recorded using either a screen caster, video camera, or something like Google Hangout or Ustream.  Of course they have to answer the question and provide evidence to support their answer.  

I have already have students discussing a news report, a game show, a puppet show and skits.  I can't wait to see their creativity.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Gallery Walk on the Middle East

On Friday my students finished their gallery walk on the Middle East.  I used this as an inquiry based appetizer to introduce the unit.  Each student had to find and research an image from the Middle East. They then created an audio recording.  The recording was attached to a QR code.  We posted the image and the QR code outside the teachers lounge so that everyone in the building could participate in our learning.  Today, my students will use their phones and QR readers to listen each others recordings.

Tomorrow, we will make an announce to the entire school to let me know what they are and to invite them to participate.

                 This images is from Thursday before everyone had a chance to hang theirs up. There are many more hanging up this morning. 

Thursday, February 7, 2013


I've been very busy finishing up more grad work and haven't had much time to update what's going on in my classroom, but my kids have been very busy and I will try to start sharing more often.

Today I'm at TCEA 2013 in Austin. This morning I was in a session on broadcasting in the classroom using Ustream. I've used it before but I had no idea it had so many features. I can't wait to get back and let my kids play with all the goodies.  All I need to do is come up with a good way to incorporate it into my classroom.

I also attended a great Google workshop where I learned several new tricks that my students are going to love.  It also prompted me to call Region 10 and inquire about becoming Google certified.  I was happy to find that they were scheduled a class for this summer and I am already on the list.

Several PBL sessions as well as the last session I went to on Friday really gave me the push to try to incorporate more PBL in my classroom.  So, with my next unit of study, it will be all project based learning.

I was also introduced to the Google Summit that will be held on May 18th in the Woodlands outside Houston.  I have submitted a proposal to present and hope to be chosen.

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