Saturday, February 23, 2013

Gallery Walk Finished

My students finished their gallery walk and everyone was able to share.  To capture the process and a little bit of their learning, students created the attached video.

They had a lot of fun with this activity.  It was used as an introduction to a unit of study on the Middle East. We are now moving into a project bases learning activity to answer the following driving question:

Are the people of the Middle East that different than us? 

The next step for students was to create a list of essential questions or knowledge they needed to make the decision. They were able to do that using a Google Doc Middle East Essential Info Needed.  I had them work in small groups and then share as a class as this is the first time we are doing a project like this.  I left the final product up to them.  My only criteria was that it must be recorded using either a screen caster, video camera, or something like Google Hangout or Ustream.  Of course they have to answer the question and provide evidence to support their answer.  

I have already have students discussing a news report, a game show, a puppet show and skits.  I can't wait to see their creativity.


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